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Address: B4-201, Shunjing Pioneer Park, Longgang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
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High Amazon Conversion Rates - Product Copy is the Focus
Issued by:Latam Cross Border Service

Since Amazon's global store began to attract investment, more and more sellers have entered this field. One of the things sellers do the most is to arrange various keywords on each page of the website to grab the ranking. While this practice is necessary for business growth, doing business in this way alone ignores one of the most important parts of the business, the customer experience. Although you do need to put some keywords on the page to tell Amazon what your product is, Latin America (Shenzhen) International Warehousing believes that it should not be the premise of sacrificing the quality of page reading. Customers need to find value in the copy you write before they convert from strangers to customers who place an order.


Of course, ranking high on Amazon is a must, but Amazon is just a platform to help you present your products to consumers rather than actual buyers. When potential customers browse search results, they browse all kinds of information, including titles, images, prices, and more. Therefore, there has to be something to grab their attention and click to buy your item, otherwise high rankings will become worthless, will not generate the expected sales, and will in turn lead to declining rankings. A balance must be struck between pursuing high rankings and ensuring a good customer experience. Essentially, there are two people you want to serve: Amazon and consumers.


The three most common mistakes in Amazon listings:


1. The title is full of keywords


One of the biggest mistakes you make when writing your Amazon listing is filling your product title with keywords. Of course, keywords are needed in the title to help improve search results ranking, but a difficult-to-read title can make it impossible for consumers to understand what the product is being sold, which in turn makes it possible for consumers to simply give up buying the product. The first principle of title editing is to be clear and easy to read. When the title you write is not easy to read, it will actually cause trouble for consumers, and this trouble will ultimately affect the sellers themselves.


2. Ignore the importance of writing casually


The second common mistake is to rush the listing without systematic design and writing. The reason is the mistaken belief that consumers do not care about the presentation of the page, as long as the price is cheap and some "black technology" can be sold There is a huge gap between the actual situation and the expected. Because of sentence structure, grammatical errors (impeding readability), etc., not only will customers not be able to read and understand the real selling point of the product, but even for the Amazon platform, it will not be able to effectively retrieve the effective words of your product and include them in the index . For consumers in particular, any hesitation can lead them to abandon the act of preparing to click on this product.


3. Insufficient compatibility


As mentioned above, the listing page is to be compatible with both customer reading and Amazon platform retrieval, but many listings only reach a point, and this is not enough to meet your expectations. You need to do both, listings should include useful A combination of decision information (for consumers) and search terms (for Amazon).


Also, the Amazon title displayed on each display port is not the same:


1. PC – about 160 characters


2. Tablet Amazon App – about 141 characters


3. Wap side – about 84 characters


4. Amazon App on mobile phone – about 78 characters


5. Sponsored Ads (Sidebar) – 34 characters or so


Therefore, it is important that you insert useful information as well as key phrases in the first 34, 78 or 160 characters. This way, consumers on every display port will find what they're looking for, whether viewing organic or sponsored search results.


How to write a product description?:


Although many sellers now use A+ pages to display products, in fact, A+ pages are a visual deformation of product descriptions. The core is the same, and the product description department is usually considered as the last resort for conversion. Product descriptions can be a powerful persuasive tool for driving sales. For sellers, a common mistake is to only repeat the five-point description in the description section, which is a huge waste of promoting sales opportunities, and should take full advantage of the fact that the description department can show more product and brand characteristics. , show more parts that cannot be shown in the five-point description to promote sales.


Latin America (Shenzhen) International Warehousing feels that if you find that balance point, you will have the opportunity to not only meet the indexing requirements of Amazon's search engine for keyword placement, but also not break away from the consumer's own browsing logic to influence consumers. shopping decisions. If you create and review your page information from the perspective of consumers, rather than from the perspective of sellers, it is more likely to create product pages that are beneficial to ranking and conversions.

Contact Us Contact: Mr. Lin
Phone: 18316738434
Tel: 0755-28499624
E-mail: mxlatam001@163.com
Address: B4-201, Shunjing Pioneer Park, Longgang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen

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