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What are the methods for Mercado Libre/Meikeduo to clear inventory?
Issued by:Latam Cross Border Service

What are the methods for Mercado Libre / Mercado Libre to clear inventory? Many Merchant sellers have experienced clearance. Due to the misjudgment of market demand, the platform warehouse is backlogged during peak season, and sales cannot be sold. Therefore, it is necessary to find some proper way to deal with these piled goods. The following are some better clearance measures recommended by Latin America (Shenzhen) International Warehousing for sellers.  


1. Discount processing.


If there is still a certain market for the product, you can consider a clearance sale to encourage consumers to place an order. In order to achieve the purpose of expanding the popularity of the store or driving the sales of other products.


two. Bundle promotions.


It is possible to carry out the associated bundled sales of hot-selling items and slow-selling items to increase the sales of single-order sales of hot-selling items while driving the increase of slow-selling items. Making good use of bundled and associated sales can effectively help you quickly clear some of the backlog of inventory.

Mercado Libre/Meikeduo

three. Buy and give away promotions.


You can set up buy-and-gift promotions, find some product-related products, and carry out buy-and-gift activities. There are two forms of buy gifts, one is buy one get one free (such as dishwashing detergent to send detergent), and the other is random gift (such as buy detergent to send sponge wipes or rags, etc.). The buy-and-gift promotion not only satisfies the seller's promotion, but also reflects the buyer's purpose of saving money.


4. Move to a third-party overseas warehouse


Moving to a third-party overseas warehouse can not only save the excess storage costs of the platform warehouse, but also allow sellers to have more ways to handle these products. First, you can ask friends to help you find a market to sell, or transfer it to a good competitor. Second, create new value for products - change the old look with a new look. Sellers can recommend products that meet the needs of customers at a price they can afford; this strategy is to increase the extension of the product, innovate the product, improve the product function or packaging, etc. Make customers reconsider how well they match their needs.  


The above are the best promotion methods, and sellers can also try a variety of different promotion methods. Instead of taking these clearance measures at the end, it is better for sellers to reasonably arrange stocking according to their own sales and seasonality to avoid the final dilemma.  

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